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- agrafmobile
don't move
don’t move | Paris 2ooo
First arrangement: a 3.5 meters steel rod supports a horizontal bar on which are laid the letters of “don’t move”. A large rod whose precarious balance is upset as soon as the air penetrates or is altered in the reception foyer of the festival of contemporary dance in which this fragile object is set up. Its movement is dictated by the movements of the public. As a contradictory sculpture, the opposite of the injunction it bears, “don’t move”, moves all the time… Second arrangement: a wind rose, four syllables mu /ta /ti /on occupy the extremities of the weather vane. In observing the slow movement of the turning object, it is sometimes permissible to read “mutation”. This moment marks the appearance of typographic sculptures in the works of Agrafmobile. These objects perched high up and vibrating are the direct descendants of the forests of signs of “takalefaire”.
- crédits
conception et réalisation: Malte Martin
avec l'assistance de Morad Tangui
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