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window shopping on rue Sedaine | Paris 2oo9
“On the night of the Nuit Blanche, on Rue Sedaine, the clothes shop signs beckon to me. The shop windows, all lit up, attract me. Everyone is presenting texts and textures : bodies and finery, the pleasure of textures and tissues of lies, fine linen and dirty sheets… For one night, Rue Sedaine becomes a strolling theatre of the ghost stories of its signs”.
Starting from the Place de la Bastille, pedestrians encounter on their way those “lollipops” displaying words which address them“rag”: “clothes are a permanent blush on the skin of humankind ”. As soon as they turn into Rue Sedaine, usually dark at night, the first lit window of a clothes shop proclaims: “No person of either sex can force any citizen to dress in a particular way… ”. This whole narrow street thus offers itself like the strolling itinerary of a visual and at times acoustic theatre. “Fabrics used to live in this pavement passion ”. Each shop window is a stage filled with words at times arranged spatially on the glass, behind, crossing it, by letters cut out, stuck on, painted and massed. “Clothes are a form of bluff, a social usurpation. ” In several places, spectators will have the feeling that the shop window is talking, emitting sounds like a transparent, illuminated membrane. “Seeming is being ! ”
The shop fronts, usually unlit, attract people with their lighting. Everything happens in
a floating atmosphere: somewhere between late shopping and strange literary journey,
the shop windows become mirrors showing us ourselves in our simplest wrapper. “I’ve got nothing to wear (no way of being myself)!”
- partenaires
nous remercions pour le soutien: La Marie du 11e (particulièrement Patrick Bloche et Stéphane Martinet), JCDecaux, Publidécor, Starcolor, le Lycée Eugène Henaff de Bagnolet, Kiloutou Paris 11e et l’Association des Commerçants Chinois de Prêt-à-Porter en France
nous remercions chaleureusement pour leur participation active au projet: Maxime Zhang, Anne Froment, les enseignants et élèves du Lycée Eugène Henaff, ainsi que tous les commerçants qui ont mis à disposition leurs vitrines:
3W.F, Add.+Trend, AMJ, Arc En Ciel, Azarama, Bel Woman, Chana Mod, Cherry Diffusion, Cosmo, C.S. Good, Didi-M, Dislay, Elisa, Eole, Escargot, Esperance, Fally Fashion, Fashion Hollywood, Forever, France Concept, Greffine, Futur Fashion, Hippocampus, Jasmin, L'Felicit-US, Lilas, Liu Luan, LuLu H, Maxime Z, Milanie, Miss Luna, Mod'ac, Modelli France, Mono, Nana Lisa, Nana Moving, Neslay, Nois & Blanc Vogue, Open Style, Photogenic, Pomme Rouge, Saturne, The Light, Ton Tin, Wang Style - crédits
conception et direction artistique: Malte Martin
coproduction: Agrafmobile/Galerie Anatome
chargés de production: Cédric Andrzejczak et Emilie Roulier
assistés de Maud Beau
stagiaires graphiques: Antoine Pépin, Louise Lacour,
Clément Charbonnier (1ères recherches)
régie: Benjamin Karamehmedovic
performance: Cécile Brousse, Margaux Amoros et Doris Lanzamann
bande sonore: Elsa Robichez/ARTE Radio.com
photographies: Agrafmobile/Michel Chassat
réalisation des vidéos: La Bise au Chat
citations sonores de l’alphabet «Instants mobiles» composé par Patricia Dalio
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