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the skies of Villetaneuse | Villetaneuse 2oo9
“What is built forms the sentence, what is not built the punctuation, this breathing is vital for reading. We readily think that towns and cities lend themselves to being deciphered… letter after letter. This isn’t easy, because some of them produce excessively dense texts, and sentences that are too long.” (Thierry Pacot in Des Corps urbains /Urban Bodies). “Leaving for Villetaneuse, says Malte Martin , I wanted thanks to the poster to give this town windows, to let the streets breathe, to grasp this town’s skies, and bring them down over the walls. To create in it … for everyone, their window on the world.” The second phase broaches the issue of centrality in this hitherto fragmented town with its suburbs. A way of discovering it, subjective, in everyone, linkage between public space and shared space, and the sensation of feeling at home,
in the form of an urban navel shifting with its inhabitants. This arrangement appropriates the sign “you are here” that you find on neighbourhood plans. Signs either stenciled or painted, and posters make a temporary and monumental centre along the informal roads of great complexes, and on the walls of buildings being renovated… Because of questions where the perimeter starts from the dwelling and proceeds to the urban space, the third phase brings out a perceptible mapping of Villetaneuse. Based on the ontological statement “Here you are”, the inhabitants will designate the places where they feel good, and describe the intensity of their feelings, in a sentence… Malte Martin will be nurtured by these perceptions, to lend substance to these “perceptible mappings”.
- partenaires
avec le soutien de la Mairie de Villetaneuse, la communauté d’agglomération de Plaine Commune, l’Acsé, la Fondation de France, le Conseil Général de Seine-Saint-Denis
Mlle Yolaine Jouanneaux, responsable des affaires culturelles de la ville de Villetaneuse, Géraldine Kowalski-Judith, Chef de projet Politique de la Ville, Barbara Diekmann adjointe à la chef de projet rénovation urbaine pour la communauté d’agglomération Plaine Commune, Erwann Quéré, Thierry Bellanger et Philippe Elusse, les services techniques de la ville de Villetaneuse, les services voirie de la communauté d’agglomération Plaine Commune - crédits
création: agrafmobile
conception et direction artistique: Malte Martin
chargé de production: Cédric Andrzejczak
assistante chargée de production: Maud Beau
chargée de médiation: Caroline Marchalstagiaires graphiques: Cerise Heurteur, Vanessa Jouillerot,
Antoine Pépin, Thomas Humeau, Thomas Higashiyama
aide à la production: Clémence Passot
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